How to remove excess fluid from the body

How to remove excess fluid from the body
 Accumulation of excess fluid in the body indicates that an organ is not in order. This is usually observed in case of problems with the liver, heart and kidneys, as well as during hormonal failure. But the swelling may appear and innocuous reasons: excessive intake before bedtime, a large amount of fluid and other errors in the diet.
 If you suspect that you have something wrong with your body, get to a hospital. After establishing the exact reason you will have a course of therapy. Pick up his treatment alone can not. You must write special diuretics and drugs that help restore all the functions of an organ.

Prostate collection can be taken without a doctor's prescription, so you do not have time to go to the hospital, try herbal therapy. Recommended doses vary by manufacturer, so check them in the annotations on the application. Long course of treatment with herbs, do not expect any effect on the first day of admission.

Slight diuretic effect has green tea. But this drink will help bring only slight swelling of the body. Drink several glasses of tea on an empty stomach. Swelling will subside after a few hours.

If you feel a strong severity, take a cool bath with the addition of sea salt. Soak in water for about 20 minutes, then stand under a cold shower. You will be a little easier almost immediately.

Withdraw excess fluid from the body to help watermelon or cranberry juice. Take it throughout the day in unlimited quantities. However, at this time should be near the toilet. If you have swelling occur regularly, drink a glass of juice three times a day.

Revise and your diet. Stop eating four hours before bedtime, so that the food does not cause accumulation of fluid in the body. Limit and use of salted and pickled foods. Include a menu of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs, especially parsley and celery. Gradually, everything should return to normal. If swelling and continue to bother you, then go to the reception to the therapist and pass inspection.

Tags: body fluid