How to make yourself lose weight

How to make yourself lose weight
 To lose weight you need one - the motive. They may be the eve of the summer season and the desire to put on your favorite outdoor swimsuit. As an option - the desire to please you, interesting man. But the most frequent motive - the need to neutralize the starting health problems caused by being overweight.

Reconsider your lifestyle. It is difficult, but the desire to lose weight should give strength, it gives strength goal that it is imperative to achieve. First of all, make it a rule every day in all weather conditions to start the day with a reception cool shower. Its temperature should be reduced gradually. This simple, at first glance, hygienic procedure helps to quickly wake up. Besides night goes through the skin many harmful substances, their better wash.

Teach yourself daily breakfast. Food should always be hot. This rule will force you to give up snacks and tea with buns, at least until lunch. For breakfast you can prepare porridge on the water without salt, seasoned it with a spoon brine cheese. Despite the fact that all the grains are carbohydrates, in the morning they are allowed. As a drink best suited ordinary black tea with lemon or chicory. The fact that he is credited with increased appetite, is not supported by the official nutrition.

Get to work by public transport? Walk a couple of stops on foot. Nothing, if you have to leave half an hour earlier, but the body will get used to physical activity, and when it's time to visit the gym, will not react to this aching pain in muscles and joints.

At work, avoid random snacking and invitations to drink tea "for the company." It is possible that during these gatherings and you are typing those extra pounds. To lose weight, you need instead of buns, cakes and pastries at the arisen feelings of hunger to eat a handful of dried apples or, for example, prunes. Just do not buy bright colored candied fruits, they have nothing but sugar and chemicals. Full meals you can afford in the middle of the day. It can be vegetable salad with vegetable oil, as well as meat and fish. No pizza, pasta, and other bigmagov obschepitovskie products. But the meat and fish can eat as you like, because the evening you will find only low-fat yogurt.

Perhaps this is the most difficult; lying in front of TV very often want something to chew on. Here you will auditory training. Introduce yourself, dropped three or five kilograms, beautiful, beloved in clothes that fit. Such fantasies are a good deterrent, forcing real or imaginary hunger become a little muffled.

Adhering to such a diet for a week, you will certainly lose weight. When this happens, it's time to start the second part of the plan - namely sports. If you are overweight, then you have this physiological predisposition. To normalize the shape and restore health you need to gradually accustom themselves to the ever-increasing loads. Gym, fitness or swimming pool shall be securely into your life. Only when you stop to attend training treated as a chore when they are durable and naturally come into your life, you will welcome the feeling of lightness, for which is to lose weight.

Tags: weight, diet, exercise, sport