Harm to your computer to human health

Harm to your computer to human health
 Computerization of our society has long gone beyond just technical equipment. Today, the computer has entered into all spheres of human life. Moreover, the computer today was no longer simply a work tool, and the right hand man. This is quite natural and logical process, however, are associated with him some questions. People are increasingly worried about the effects of human exposure and the computer, in particular, they are worried about the question of whether there is any damage to your computer to human health. Journal JustLady try to look into the matter with you.

On the influence of computer on human health began to talk back in the seventies of the last century, but these issues do not cease to this day. The computer is just as safe as other appliances. However, as with other devices, a computer-related potential threats to our health. Consideringharm to your computer to human health, A women's magazine JustLady celebrate the major risk factors. These include:

• The consequences of electromagnetic radiation;
• Vision problems;
• Problems with the muscles and joints.

Harm to your computer to human health

The degree of risk depends on the time that a person spends on the computer.

Let's start with vision problems. They are more or less familiar with virtually all PC users. So, the problem manifested in the form of unpleasant sensations - blurred vision, cramps in the eyes, burning, headaches, pain when moving eyes. Thus, in this caseharm to your computer to human health manifests itself in the most vivid form. The fact that the image on the monitor "not present." That is, it is illuminated differently to have a different field than the same text, but written on paper. Is of great importance, and how to organize the workplace: the wrong mode of lighting the risk of vision problems is great. Furthermore, the eye is obtained with a huge load perebeganii screen, for example, in documents lying side by side and back.

However, all is not as scary as it sounds, because the computer is a computer strife. Journal JustLady notes: the safest eye is considered a modern LCD monitors. Well, obsolete monitors, issued before 1997, with a diagonal of 14 inches represent the most serious threat to health. Monitors last generation virtually no disadvantages such as electromagnetic radiation. And it is known, does not add to our health. So, speaking aboutharm to your computer to human healthmust be kept in mind about what the computer in question.

Let us dwell on the phenomenon of electromagnetic radiation. After all, many people have this notion is associated with something like X-rays, andharm to your computer to human health mainly associated with this term. Electromagnetic radiation is generated around any device that produces and consumes energy. This radiation can not hear, see or smell it, but it is still present everywhere. Althoughharm to your computer to human health because electromagnetic radiation is not proven, people continue to believe that this is akin to a high-frequency form of radiation that causes cancer risk. Women's magazine JustLady says: in relation to a computer monitor can not talk about X-rays. With regard to radiation is very low and ultra low frequency that creates a computer, there is no consensus even among scientists.

People who make a living using a computer, often complain of problems with joints and muscles. Most often, they are expressed in the form of low back pain and shoulder, tingling in the legs, stiff neck. But not rare and more serious illnesses. Thus, due to the continuous operation of the computer may occur carpal tunnel syndrome - i.e. nerve damage hands. In severe cases, people can torment severe pain, which deprive his disability.

Damage to the computer for children

Journal JustLady can not ignore the question of whatdamage to the computer for children. In children, problems with muscles and joints due to a computer are rare, because even the most addicting not spend on the PC as much time as adults working people. However, it is still an adult should monitor how much time their child spends in front of the monitor, as organized his place, in which position he sits. Women's magazine JustLady strongly recommends: do not skimp on the monitor! It is fraught with problems for your child's vision.

Harm to your computer to human health

To minimizedamage to the computer for children, Choose a modern monitors. Make sure that the frequency sweep was not less than 70 Hz. Pay attention to the fact that the monitor conform to international standards of protection (Low Radiation). It is advisable to put a computer in the corner to the radiation from the sides and back of the monitor went to the wall. Finally, the magazine JustLady recommends limiting the time spent in front of a child. If your child is not more than 4 years, it is not desirable to carry out in front of the computer for more than forty minutes. Younger students this time can be increased to one and a half to two hours. Remember and other basic rules that will reducedamage to the computer for children and preserve their health: Occupy child outdoor games and exercises, and in the classroom before the monitor try to choose arcade games that require visual and muscular reactions, as well as puzzles and logic games.

 Alice Terentyeva / Women's Magazine JustLady

Tags: organism, TV, computer, health, art, harm a child, radiation, Dive Computers, computerization, computer