On the female body spirits have a more powerful destructive effect than in men - they directly violate the functioning of the reproductive organs. If a woman is suffering from alcoholism, a chance in the future to conceive a healthy baby she is extremely small. These women regularly suffer from diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, as well as the inflammatory processes that lead to infertility.
Alcohol destroys not only the woman's body, but the body of her unborn child if she drinks during pregnancy. In addition, it is very dangerous for the unborn child is conceived in a drunken state. Even if she did not suffer a similar dependence, but became pregnant immediately after passage of a huge amount of alcohol, the dose can cause fatal damage to the tissue and organs of the unborn child, as it directly affects the egg during conception.
If a woman wants to conceive a healthy baby, she should refrain from drinking alcohol for two weeks before the planned start of pregnancy, and then completely eliminate them from your diet, because it harms the fetus and in the early and the late stages, as well as during lactation.
Acceptance of such beverages during pregnancy interferes with the prenatal development of the baby - alcohol through the placenta to the fetus enters the body with nutrients, poisons him, causing a variety of defects, including heart defects, developmental abnormalities of the internal organs and joints, malfunctions brain and nervous system. Children of women who are prone to alcoholism, are born weak, low-weight, with a complex disease, because they lag behind in development and often do not survive to adulthood.
If a woman after the birth of a child starts drinking again, alcohol damages the nervous system of the child through the mother's milk - the children become restless, they do not sleep, they go bad and may cause serious nervous disorders, including alcohol dependence syndrome in infancy.