Bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse, robs you of energy. Your body begins to deteriorate at a faster rate. Get rid of them and see how to change your health.
If you do not eat enough fruits and vegetables, overeat and often eat at night, it can also affect the development of constant fatigue syndrome. Adjust your diet. Let your diet is dominated by cereals, raw vegetables, nuts, beans and dairy products. Drastically reduce the use of semi-finished products, canned foods, smoked meats, sweets and coffee. Watch out for diet: there must be frequently and in small portions.
Exercise. Start go to the gym, dance classes or swimming pool. You will see how you become more energetic after a few weeks. Prefer outdoor activities, rollerblading or biking, skiing or skating.
Revise its terms of reference. If you work hard at work, then the whole evening doing household chores and, for example, parallel study or moonlighting at a second job, no wonder that your body does not have enough time to recover. Try less load it.
Remember that the work should be delayed only if absolutely necessary, but not regularly. Do not neglect the rest on weekends and during holidays. If you spend that time exclusively on the case, the fatigue will accumulate until one day your body is not zaprotestuet.
A healthy diet, avoiding harmful habits, reasonable exercise, proper rest and a zest for life will make you energetic, cheerful person.