Hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, sciatica - this is not a complete list of diseases that afflict our grandparents. But if with such a diagnosis can live for many years, subject to the necessary treatment, the different forms of dementia are enormous destructive.
Senility (dementia, senile psychosis) is an irreversible decay of mental activity. Typically, the various forms of this disease affects people aged 70-80 years. The disease progresses gradually. First, the person becomes overly irritable, depressed, stingy and selfish. Then he loses the ability to memorize any new information has difficulty expressing thoughts, forget the past, in the present confused. Senility can receive and acute forms - from unwarranted aggression to depression and tearfulness.
Senile dementia can not be cured, it can only make it easier for using neuroleptics and antidepressants. But insanity can be prevented if you think about it in his youth.
Following a simple and useful recommendations, you can rid yourself of the prospects for the emergence of dementia in the elderly.
1. 90% of the cases of senile dementia occurs because the brain neuronal cell death which would not be used and have an unfavorable environment. Consequently, the continuous development of the brain - the key to his health for many years, and as a result, the entire body. Reading books, math, foreign language, acquiring new knowledge, playing musical instruments, the development of various interests - such things need to be addressed constantly. Our brain has great potential, and the person at the same time uses about 5-10% of its resources. Do not stop in the brain training ever.
2. Senile dementia arises as a consequence of cardiovascular illnesses. Therefore, a fair and proper physical activity not only give a beautiful body, but also strengthen the blood vessels, heart muscle and reduce the risk of hypertension, heart attack, and senility.
3. Eating foods rich in antioxidants (green tea, vegetables, fruits), neutralizes free radicals. It is the latter lead to aging of the whole organism and the brain in particular.
4. Stress. Nervousness and prolonged mental stress also lead to the destruction of brain cells. Accustom themselves to the early years right to relax, have a positive attitude, learn meditation techniques, and you never know what the senile dementia.