- 200 ml of black tea;
-sok cranberries - 50 ml;
-honey - 2 tsp .;
-sok one lemon;
-Brand - 30 ml.
Brew strong black tea, pour lemon juice, cranberries, add honey and brandy.
Useful properties has a hot drink from a decoction of chamomile. Chamomile perfectly prevents colds, increases the antibacterial activity of the body and calms the nerves. Daily drinking tea with chamomile broth, I can safely say cold "Farewell! ".
And this drink is prepared as follows:
In 0.5 liter of boiling water to brew 2-3 tablespoons dry grass and chamomile. Infuse for an hour. Add broth to normal tea in the ratio of 1: 1. You can sweeten with sugar, honey or better.
Vitamin tea with mint and sea buckthorn help restore lost power, feed our body B vitamins B1, B2, C, E, P, K, trace elements, minerals and organic acids. Seabuckthorn contains a large amount of glucose, which is critical to our immune system. Mint prevents inflammatory processes during cold and perfectly toned.
Cooking recipe is as follows:
Dry leaves of sea buckthorn - 1-2 tbsp and the same mint leaves placed in a liter container and pour the boiling water. Let stand for 2-3 hours, then drain, add 2 tablespoons honey. Tea drink with mint and sea buckthorn before use must be heated to the desired temperature.
Increase the body's resistance to infections tea drink rosehip, rowan and nettle leaves.
10 gr. hips, the same fruits of mountain ash, and 2 tablespoons dry grass nettle pour 1 cup boiling water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, while constantly stirring the mixture. Then everything thoroughly drain, cool and add 1 cup of boiled water. The resulting broth to take 3 times a day for 0, 5 cups before eating.