Look at life positively. In the life of a man around a lot of different things, worries and troubles them all you do not have the strength and health. Take care of yourself and try to take life with humor and be kinder to others.
More often pamper yourself. Returning home from work, do not just run to the plate or clutch at the laundry. It is better to sit in a chair, take cover soft blanket and read an interesting magazine or an exciting book. Very help relieve tiredness water treatments. Take a relaxing bath with medicinal or aromatic oils. And if possible get enough sleep, especially on weekends.
Properly organize your holidays. If you can not leave for a long time, then take a short-term respite, "bored" in nature. Well, if you wanted a change of scenery - take a trip for a few days in another city. Weekend and holiday carefully planned in advance a plan of entertainment. Only in this way you will be able to relax here.
Do not overload the body. Do not waste your precious time sitting at the TV screen. Limit the time of its location on the computer. Completely eliminate the spirits and replace them with a light wine.
Quenched and relax. In the morning, take a contrast shower, which is also very useful to maintain skin tone and makes it supple. In the evening, take a bath with medical needles or valerian extract. Excellent relieves Russian bath or sauna. Involved in fitness. Physical activity helps to reduce the psychological stress.
Eat right. For breakfast, drink fresh juice. Lean on nuts, herbs, vegetables, fruits. Twice a year, taking courses multivitamins.
Watch your health, love yourself and indulge more often. And only then you will not prevail against fatigue and stress.