How to remove the psychological tension

How to remove the psychological tension
 Psychological stress in one way or another familiar to everyone. Sometimes it has a protective function, mobilizing the body to fight the problem. But most of this unpleasant state of exhausting and depressing. Meanwhile, remove the strain is not too difficult.
 Stop, look around, stay alone with him at least five minutes. Try objectively, by looking at a problem that worries you, hurts. If you are unable to speculate disabled - close your eyes, listen to the silence. Information vacuum should relieve the tension.

You can do this exercise: Breathe slowly and deeply and exhale, imagine that inflate the balloon. And each new breath will increase it in size, filling your feelings and fears. When all alarms will go to the ball, let it, let flies high and away from you, taking with them the stress.

If there is even the slightest chance, will choose the fresh air, take a walk without a purpose, just listening to the surrounding sounds, inhaling the odors, watching any trifles, concentrating on them. In addition, the movement is burned adrenaline, and this is just what you need to get rid of stress.

Do not be redundant old proven natural remedies to relieve psychological discomfort, feelings of anxiety: valerian, mint, motherwort, chamomile. If they do not help, and relaxation can not be reached, you suffer from insomnia, ask your doctor to pick you up on time, more effective drugs.

Remove the voltage by using the sucking and swallowing movements. After all, these reflexes protect you in infancy, when the power is associated with maternal care, security. Chew gum, drink sweet tea, suck a lollipop - and you will feel better calm down.

Be sure to be engaged in something, not lying down, staring at the ceiling and endlessly promatyvaya head leading to stress events. Load yourself easy and pleasant things: play with children, porukodelnichayte, create a culinary masterpiece, communicate with a cat or dog - pets great treat mental illnesses.

Remember, you do not live in the desert, close relatives, who will listen and cheer. Cry and thus relieve the stress can be in social networks or call psychological support.

Tags: stress, tension, method, removal