How to lower cholesterol: some recommendations

How to lower cholesterol: some recommendations
 Cholesterol - is a natural fatty alcohol, without which it is impossible to build new cells. In humans, there is about 350 grams of lipid. Of these, 90% are in the tissues and blood of 10%. Our body produces about 80% of the required cholesterol alone, while 20% comes from food. If it receives excessive food quantity he starts deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to narrowing. And this is the way to heart attack and stroke.

Every man after 25 years must constantly monitor the level of cholesterol in the blood, which should not exceed the value of 5 mmol / l. This will help prevent many diseases of the cardiovascular system. The scientists found that 90% of strokes and heart attacks seen in patients with elevated cholesterol levels. The danger lies in the high level of the disease is asymptomatic at the primary level.

To reduce cholesterol intake from food, it is necessary to minimize the products contain large amounts of animal fat. These include butter, sausages, fatty milk, cheese and sour cream, pork, beef fat, eggs. Recommended diet to build on vegetable oil, and cold-pressed vegetable salad and vegetables, seasoned helpful unrefined oil, lean fish, chicken with the skin removed. Very useful turkey meat.

In addition to compliance with a diet low in cholesterol, you should take herbs that inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol in the body and contribute to its dissolution and removal from the body. It is on this principle and herbs are separated into three groups.

The first group - the plants that inhibit the absorption of cholesterol. This quince seeds, roots of Aralia high mountain arnica flowers, bark, fruit and leaves of Viburnum, rhizomes and roots of burnet, burdock root, raspberry fruit, fruit and leaves of sea buckthorn, dandelion roots and herbs, ripe fruit walnut, chamomile flowers pharmacy, bulb garlic, herb uliginose.

The second group - are plants that inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol and promote its disposal. The roots and leaves of ginseng, Eleutherococcus roots, fruits and seeds of Chinese magnolia vine, grass cuff, dry mushroom Chaga, plantain leaves, grass Repeshko, berries and flowers of hawthorn, fresh fruit and leaves cranberries, leaves, flowers and fruit of the horse chestnut, herb St. John's wort, leaves of mistletoe, bearberry leaves and rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea and Rhaponticum carthamoides.

The third group - a plant that accelerate the metabolism and excretion of cholesterol. This centaury grass, seeds meadowsweet, fruit hazelnut, sea buckthorn oil, sunflower oil, fennel seeds, fennel seeds and rose hips.

From this list, it is clear that the plants that affect cholesterol levels much. Recommended daily for months drink broth of at least one plant in each group, and significantly reduced the level of cholesterol. Broth prepared as follows. Take 1 tablespoon of raw and brewed cup of boiling water. Boil on low heat for 10 minutes, then insist 30 minutes and strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Scientists around the world are trying to develop the most effective diet to lower cholesterol. It already includes many products which have about three decades was not aware that they can be used to reduce blood levels of cholesterol. It - dark cherry, walnuts, pistachios, artichokes, blueberries, olive oil, dairy products, red meat.

The main opportunity to normalize blood cholesterol is a healthy lifestyle. This concept includes a balanced diet and physical exercise, and avoiding harmful habits.

Tags: vessel recommendation cholesterol lowering