How do you know your biological age

How do you know your biological age
 You can not judge a person only on the passport data, as it is impossible to determine the age only by the number of years lived. Within each have their own "clock" that are beyond those that hang on the wall. They may be in a hurry, or may fall behind. Therefore, the biological age is more important than the calendar.
 If the biological clock slowed down, the man does not look his age, does not feel lived. If the clock in a hurry, even at a young age there is a certain decrepitude, constant fatigue and apathy. Find out how old are you really, you can use simple tests. For many of them need a stopwatch.

Note the time and start to execute the slopes, touching the hands of sex. If the minute you failed them more than 50 times, your age 20 or less. If you could only 35-50 overpower your age around 30 years. 30-34 times correspond to 40 years, but if you could do no more than 30 slopes, you'll more than 50 years.

Also, the biological age can be verified by testing the vestibular apparatus. Firmly zazhmurte eyes and stand on one (any) leg. The second lift of 10 inches from the floor. If in such a position (without opening his eyes) you can stand more than 30 seconds, you are 20 years old or less. If you stood 20 to 30 seconds, you nearly 40 years. But if the result is not more than 20 seconds, you near 40. 10-15 seconds, respectively, are suitable for 60 and 50 year olds.

The next test of Mathematics. You need as quickly as possible in mind to reduce the number 100 on the 7 until the very limit. If you perform the test took less than 20 seconds, your age 20-30 years, and if you spend 20-40 seconds, you no longer 30.

To pass the next test, you will need an assistant. He needs to take a 50-centimeter line the edge with the highest number and placed vertically. Substitute your hand below 10 centimeters. And when your partner releases the line, try to catch her thumb and forefinger. The number for which you have seized the line, and will be your biological age.

The results of all tests need to lay down and calculate the arithmetic mean, so you know exactly how much your watch years counted. If the difference is your real age is small, do not worry. But if the test result showed a lot more than you really are, hurry to become more active person. Exercise, jogging, do dousing it will help turn back the clock and keep you young.

Tags: watch