7 steps to strengthen the immune system

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 The immune system of the body - the main defense against bacteria and viruses. The stronger it is, the less likely a person is exposed to various diseases. And good immunity is not innate human characteristic. It can and should continuously strengthen the simplest things.
 Proper nutrition

Deficiency in at least one of the relevant elements can lead to a weakening of the immune system. That is why it is very important to create for himself a complete and balanced menu every day. Let the food gives you the necessary vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other important substances. Your diet must be different varieties of fish and meat, fruits, vegetables, cereals, oils and any other natural products. But from starchy foods, a variety of semi-finished products and genetically modified foods should be discarded.

Control gastrointestinal microflora

It is in the intestines develop beneficial bacteria that are beneficial for the whole body. To keep them in the required amount, you need to drink probiotics - foods that contain live cultures. It is especially important to do this after taking various drugs and antibiotics, which kill the entire intestinal microflora.


Strengthening and development of muscle mass has a positive effect on the entire body. Any sport, if they engage competently and consistently gives a person strength, fills it with energy and improves health.

Walking out

The more often a person is on the street, the stronger becomes his body. It improves mood, appetite, insomnia passes, and it is less sick. Try as much as possible to make the street any action. Even the usual daily walk can work wonders.


Douches, cool off with cold water dousing or make the body more resistant to various diseases. Through daily hardening wet feet are unlikely to cause the common cold.

Adoption of immunomodulatory drugs

Support your body during the exacerbation of seasonal diseases useful herbs - Echinacea, rosehip, St. John's wort, ginseng, and others. They are quite inexpensive and bring a stunning effect. The main thing - to drink them for a long time.

Healthy sleep and peace of mind

Persistent lack of sleep, nerves or stress undermines the body's defenses. To avoid this, follow the correct mode of the day and cease to be nervous - if you can make a difference, do it - if not, wait until she changed for the better.

Tags: system, health, immunity, a move to strengthen