What causes fatigue

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 Fatigue - a condition that occurs due to a prolonged absence from the rest of the human body. The modern rhythm of life forces to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves, to spend a lot of strength, both physical and emotional. We have to deal with new challenges every day and comprehend the new challenges, which often is the cause of fatigue.

Against the background of growing fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome. Syndrome manifests itself in different ways. Someone may appear weakness, lethargy, drowsiness. Loss of memory, there is an inability to concentrate. Someone appears unfounded anxiety, sadness, depression, depressed. All these signs indicate fatigue, and are a consequence of reducing the rate of activity.

When there is over-exhaustion of the nervous system. Attenuated the inhibitory processes, which manifests itself in the inability to relax. Sleep disturbance occurs, there are frequent waking during the night, sleep becomes shorter, the number of dreams increases. Observed sexual disorders, cardiovascular activity in the gastrointestinal tract. Trying to work as usual leads to deterioration.

Headache is directly related to fatigue, stress, depression. When the body produces mental strain to compensate for the additional tension in the muscles of the head, shoulders and neck. Headache greatly reduces the quality of life. Analgesics leads to more frequent occurrence of pain, because the cause is not eliminated, and the pain is only a signal of the disorder in the body.

If signs of fatigue, it is necessary to analyze the situation and make time for recuperation and health. Acceptance of alcohol has a short-term effect and can help in the relief of acute stress, if you do not suffer from alcoholism. Chronic fatigue, which leads to fatigue, it is inherently long-term stress, and alcohol only worsens the condition.

Chronic fatigue syndrome can develop in healthy children, especially during crises age 6-7 years and 11-14 years. Fatigue can manifest itself in increasing moodiness, increased motor activity, tearfulness. Children may find it frustrating because any trifle, cry at the slightest failure, tire quickly. Dream becomes shallow. Reduced concentration, poorly digested information, intolerance transport. Parents can all be interpreted as signs of bad behavior. However, you must find out why the child's behavior and not to resort to strict measures of exposure. It is possible that your child has high fatigue loads in the background.

Tags: fatigue, the consequences syndrome, fatigue