What can replace the cigarette

What can replace the cigarette
 On the dangers of smoking is known to many, but to deal with this addiction is far from everything. Some people do not have enough willpower, someone has no desire to stop smoking, while others simply do not know what we can replace cigarettes. With regard to the latter, fortunately, today there are many alternatives to tobacco products. We just need to be able to choose the most appropriate.
 Good substitute for tobacco cigarettes can be candy. It is best to choose a mint flavor, because after them the desire to smoke is significantly reduced. As for the other flavors, they are ineffective because have less impact on the respiratory and oral receptors.

Very popular means of replacing cigarettes, chewing gum is. Here, as in the candy, it will be important taste. Preference is better to give chewing gum flavored cinnamon, mint or pineapple.

Straw. It would seem that it can replace a cigarette? It's very simple. Drinking water through a straw is very similar to the process of smoking. During the retraction of the fluid in human reflexes are triggered, and the desire to smoke is greatly reduced. To make this procedure more effective and helped to achieve the desired result, you can drink a glass of green tea or cook special herbal drinks from licorice root or sweet flag. Once a desire to smoke another cigarette, you will only have a drink and it immediately disappears.

Another alternative tobacco products - is beznikotinovye cigarettes. Instead they use tobacco various herbs. However, to get involved in such cigarettes is not necessary, since the products of combustion may bring no less harm to the body than nicotine. During smoking in human lungs gets benzopyrene, a carcinogen component of smoke and carbon monoxide. Therefore, to continue to harm yourself, make better use of these cigarettes as little as possible.

For some time to forget about cigarettes help seeds or nuts. If to entice their eating, the desire to smoke a cigarette will not be soon.

Now the market offers a new invention - the electronic cigarette. They are already very popular among people who want to quit smoking. The reason is that they help a person cope with severe psychological dependence. The principle of the cigarettes is that in the tightening does not smoke enters the lungs, and the usual steam not containing carbon monoxide, tar and tobacco carcinogens. This method of replacing cigarettes is the most effective, since over time the smoker's nicotine dependence is reduced, and the desire to return to traditional cigarettes and all is lost.

Tags: cigarette alternative