Tips when lack of sleep

Tips when lack of sleep
 Modern pace of life leaves a person less time to relax. Overtime, night clubs, shops working round the clock - all this just does not allow us to sleep. Therefore, more insistent voices of scientists and doctors who tell us ... sleep.

Lack of proper sleep for a long time causing irreparable harm to the human body: accelerated aging, immunity decreases, there is overweight, deteriorating health, become habitual headaches, bad mood and irritability.

It should be remembered that many days it is impossible to compensate for the lack of sleep, getting out of bed at the weekend for a few hours later. Therefore, you need to sleep regularly. Accelerate the process of falling asleep and make sleep more deeply will help a few simple rules.

Protect yourself from the flow of information, especially negative. Do not watch TV at night, do not listen to loud and energetic music. Do not try to solve their workers do in their spare evenings, and it is better not to think about work.

Pay attention to your diet evening. Dinner should be light and not later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. To cope with lack of sleep helps seeds: they contain amino acids that the body is adapted to rest. And, of course, nothing beats a night drunk a glass of milk with honey. Useful herbal teas based on chamomile, mint and valerian. Good comfort tinctures that contain hawthorn and motherwort.

If you are concerned shallow fitful sleep, then eliminate from your diet alcoholic beverages. However, it is better in the afternoon to limit the intake of any liquid.

To cope with the lack of sleep is possible by means of moderate exercise, such as swimming or walking track. But perhaps the best sex is sleeping, during the occupation in which the body produces the hormone endorphin, which causes a feeling of relaxation and calm.

Tags: insomnia, sleep, advice, lack of sleep