The healing power of carob syrup

The healing power of carob syrup
 In the US and Europe, carob syrup is widely used in the diet, cooking, treatment, food, chemical and cosmetic industries. In cooking the syrup is added to sweets, baked goods, beverages, and it is used as a sweet sauce for dessert dishes. In addition, he is a member of various medicinal syrups colds, coughs, bronchitis manifestations. So, what is the healing power and the use of carob syrup.

What is the carob tree

Carob is also known as Constantinople pod, sweet horn, carob beans, the scientific community is called Ceratonia siliqua.

Carob syrup is produced mainly in Cyprus and exported to various countries of the world.

This legume has a greater height - it can reach at the peak of his life of 10-15 meters. Has a fairly wide crown, peroobraznye dense leaves. Carob fruits large pods, which resembles the horn.

The length of the pods is 10-25 inches, width - 2-4 cm, and thickness - 5-10 mm. In ripe fruits can be 5-17 grains. In addition to seeds, carob beans contain a juicy pulp, which contains up to 50% of sugar - mainly glucose, fructose and sucrose.

What is made from carob

Carob bean flour produced, widely used in cooking. In addition, because they are preparing gum, which is given to the cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries.

In particular, the gum is included in the composition of milk curds and cosmetics - creams wrinkles, serums, gels. Carob syrup and manufactured.

The use of carob syrup

Carob Syrup - immunomodulatory and tonic product, known since ancient times, its nutritional value and useful properties.

This product contains:
- All of the B vitamins;
- Trace elements and minerals;
- Tannin;
- Organic acids;
- Starch;
- Pectin;
- Protein;
- Natural sugar.

In fact, carob syrup - it is a natural substitute for chocolate, which has its own specific flavor and sweet taste. The syrup obtained by evaporating finely chopped fruit with water.

Sugar is added to it, so it is allowed to eat for diabetics, as well as use in diets. In calcium syrup contains three times more than in human milk. This sweetener has virtually no contraindications.

The use of carob syrup in cooking

The use of this tool is quite diverse. First, carob syrup is used in cooking. In many countries, especially the Mediterranean, the practice of adding such a product in a variety of dishes.

They poured pancakes, muffins, ice cream, as it is used as an ingredient in baking dough. Also syrup can be simply added to the water, coffee, tea and other beverages.

The healing properties of carob syrup

Also, carob syrup is used in official and folk medicine. It can be used to remove toxins from the body, for insomnia, nervous disorders, sleep disorders, colds, poisoning, diarrhea and weight loss. The presence of a calcium and zinc makes it ideal for teeth and bones. Syrup helps with coughs, flu, colds.

Carob syrup included in various medical preparations.

This tool is very effective against dyspnea, anemia, as it prevents heart palpitations, helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Due to the large amount of trace elements and vitamins carob syrup is especially useful for pregnant women and children.

The use of carob syrup for health purposes

Carob syrup can be used as a dietary supplement for the treatment and rehabilitation at home. For the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, to remove toxins from the body should be taken:
- Adults and 1 tbsp syrup for half an hour before meals 4-5 times a day;
- Children 2-5 years - 1 tsp per day;
- Children 5 to 12 years - 1 tsp 3 times per day.

Children under 2 years of age to use carob syrup is not recommended.

From colds, SARS, sore throat, cough should take 1 tbsp carob syrup diluted in a beaker of hot water (60 °) 5-6 times a day.

The healing power of carob syrup

Headaches neurological, insomnia, nervous disorders is a tool should be used inside 5-6 times a day for 1 tablespoon before eating. The course of treatment is 3 months syrup, it should be repeated after 2 weeks.

As mentioned above, this syrup is prepared by boiling its pods with no added sugar. And because people who suffer from diabetes, can use this tool, but in small amounts - from 1/2 to 1 tsp 1-2 times per day.

To reduce weight, 1 tablespoon carob syrup should be diluted in a glass of room temperature water and add the juice of lemon slices. The components are mixed and ready to drink is ready for use. Drink it should be for 5-15 minutes before meals (lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, you can add one more technique - before breakfast.

Tags: tree, strength, benefits, bean syrup, fruit, the use,