The basic rules of personal hygiene

The basic rules of personal hygiene
 Terms of self-care and personal hygiene are imparted to every woman in early childhood, because it is thanks to them that the girl learns to maintain the purity of the body, thus preventing the development of the mass of different problems and skin diseases. Personal hygiene means preventing a large number of diseases, and during puberty, these rules are particularly relevant for girls.

For a constant need to maintain the cleanliness of every day to take a shower in the morning or in the evening. Not necessarily use every day shower gel or soap - it can dry up the skin. Use soap only when you really need to wash the dirt, for example, after the sports training. In hot summer weather you can take a shower up to three times a day.

During water treatment is necessary to pay attention not only to the whole body, but also the external genitalia - they must be washed at least twice a day, morning and evening. If you use for cleaning the soap, buy special cleaning products for personal hygiene that do not break the natural microflora.

In order to avoid the inflammation need to be washed away in the direction from front to back. Especially need to carefully observe good personal hygiene during menstruation - in the critical days you need to refrain from taking baths, swimming pool and swimming in the waters, so as not to infect the uterus, and for this reason it is necessary during the monthly abstain from sexual intercourse. Wash during menstruation is recommended each time before changing the sanitary napkin or tampon.

Correct hygiene before sexual bond will also avoid various inflammatory processes - so both partners should take a shower before sexual intercourse and after. Towels for personal hygiene should be different from the usual bath towel - it should be soft and absorbent, as genitals need to get wet, and do not wipe, so as not to injure the mucosa.

At the slightest discomfort in the genital area need to see a doctor to rule out the emergence of chronic diseases.

Tags: care, body hygiene