Rent nerves: 20 ways to help yourself

Rent nerves: 20 ways to help yourself
 What if you did not have time to deliver the work on time to the customer, you have a conversation with the chief, public performance or coming exams? In general, the nerves to the limit, and an urgent need to help themselves.

1. Relax
Try to be alone for a few minutes. If possible, make sure that the room was dark, lie down on the sofa and count to ten. Immediately thereafter concentrate thoughts on his feet and pause. Try to relax the muscles of the feet and legs. Then move up to the hips. Move this way up, alternately relaxing muscle by muscle, until you reach the head.

2. Tighten
In order to achieve the maximum level of relaxation, make the muscles to begin to work hard. Deep breaths will help tighten the muscles of legs and feet, exhale give them relax. After this exercise, the legs should shed a pleasant warmth. You must repeat this exercise with all the muscles of the body.

3. smoothes wrinkles
At the moment of excitement, try to look at yourself from the outside: eyebrows reduced, formed on his forehead wrinkles, hands clenched in a fist, clenched teeth. Remember, all this is happening against the will, but too much stress to anything. Get rid of it is quite simple: once - relax your forehead, two - cover your eyes, three - lift the corners of your mouth up, four - lower down the chin.

4. Breathe
At the time of stress and frequent breathing shallow. Slow down its real rhythm. Take a deep breath and as you breathe out, imagine that inflating the ball with their anxieties and fears. Imagine all the smallest detail: the color of the ball, its size. A new breath of air, and the ball flies into the sky along with your "intimate" problems.

5. Listen
At the time of powerlessness over excitement enable disk with classic or recordings of nature and birds singing.

6. Remember
It is recommended to collect in one album all pictures, which show the most precious moments. As soon as the pictures look, just calm down.

7. Dive
It is recommended to take a bath with a few drops of a special aromatic oil, which has a strong calming effect.

8. Take your hands
One of the excellent prevention against depression - a leisurely homework. Embroidery, knitting soothes much better than any antidepressant.

9. Massage
Make easy acupressure: discover the nose point, which is a little sore, and take a few pressing movements.

10. Tear and beat
Give vent to his emotions, if they need an outlet. The Japanese, for example, put in the offices of the doll, which is called "boss." This doll every worker has the right to kick the leg. Why the Japanese are so few and rarely get sick.

11. Shout
Tear the paper, go out to a deserted place, for example, in the forest and shout with all my heart, until you feel relief. In some countries there are special cafes, where you can come and have dinner at the same time to unburden himself. The fact that in such places you can buy a certain number of plates that are doomed to break up the ground. Beat the dishes as you want - just pay for it.

12. Speak
Voice their feelings, try to formulate precisely what strikes fear into your heart.

13. Move
Brisk walking, jogging and cycling distracting. You can forget about the problems at the time. Plus, it's good for the figure.

14. Go into the bath!
Stay in silence for an hour in the sauna or spend time in the sauna. Buy cold pool. Wonderful for a shake-up of body and soul.

15. Dodge
Find a haven where you will be pleasant and good.

16. Brew "grass"
Try the good old way - tincture of valerian.

17. Blow
Organize chores around the house. An excellent remedy for stress.

18. Laugh
If you do not have time for jokes and laughter, still laugh.

19. Weep
Do not be ashamed of his tears. Admit that you are weak. Adults also have a legitimate right to be helpless.

20. Sleep
Any problem can be "sleepy". Morning is wiser than the evening. With the new day comes a new solution. When you wake up, the decision will be based on your coffee table near you.

Tags: nerve Seb way limit