Norms of cholesterol in women

Norms of cholesterol in women
 Despite the recently created a stereotype that cholesterol - a very harmful thing, in fact it is not so. The fact that cholesterol - is a very important component of the fat metabolism in the body. Cholesterol is found in all tissues of the body, and if the content does not exceed the norm, it's just useful.

Problems arise only when the norm is exceeded. Mainly cholesterol is synthesized in our liver. There he found in the ground and was responsible for the synthesis of fatty acids. Also, the main focus of cholesterol are brain and spinal cord - Cholesterol is a part of nerve cell membranes.

Scientists have recently started to share cholesterol to "good" and "bad". And for the health of a person is not only necessary to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, good cholesterol and maintain the proper level.

The "bad" cholesterol is found in blood plasma and, oddly enough, also has a beneficial effect - it binds and neutralizes toxins. That is, to get rid of bad cholesterol does not - he is the guardian of the immune system. You only need to maintain it properly.

Norms cholesterol (data given in accordance with official recommendations of the European Atherosclerosis Society)

1. Total cholesterol - less than 5, 2 mmol / l
2. The content of low density lipoprotein cholesterol - at least three - 3, 5 mmol / l
3. The content of high density lipoprotein cholesterol - more than 1 mmol / L
4. triglyceride - less than 2 mmol / l

Elevated cholesterol

When the content of cholesterol in the body exceeds the permitted limit, then begin to form the so-called cholesterol plaque. They are formed on the inner walls of blood vessels. Blood can not circulate properly, and this leads to atherosclerosis, stroke, etc.

In the diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system are required to appoint a doctor to analyze the content of cholesterol, although it is best not to wait for these problems and regularly undergo such examinations for prevention.

Where does excess cholesterol? Flour products, sweets, fatty dairy products - are sources of cholesterol, which means that you need to use them, but to abuse - in any case.

Sedentary lifestyle, alcohol abuse can lead to high cholesterol. In women, the causes may be the use of oral contraceptives, hormonal therapy or just pregnancy. Although it should be noted that women exposed to much less accumulation of excess cholesterol than men.

Reduced cholesterol

Reduced cholesterol can also tell you about a very serious health problems, such as sepsis, liver cancer, chronic lung disease, and many others. And lead to reduced levels of cholesterol can even wrong diet, and still receiving the wrong drugs.

How to keep cholesterol normal?

In order to maintain cholesterol at the proper level, it is necessary to comply with the normal mode of the day, which includes eight hours of sleep. The need for adequate for your age and physical activity opportunities, fruit and vegetable intake, limit the intake of foods that cause high cholesterol.

More detailed advice you can give your doctor. God bless you!

Tags: woman holestirin level, cholesterol, rate, reduction