Learn how to survive in the city!

Learn how to survive in the city!
 Life in the city requires a lot more psychological and physical costs of your body. In fact, life in the big city makes it work for wear. How to learn to "survive" in the city-the city a bad environment and constant stress?  

A woman's body is constantly living in a big city, not to be envied. Smog, stress at work, incredible emotional stress as a result of domestic hlopoty- the evening she feels exhausted and unsettled ... But tomorrow does not break and a feeling of "squirrel in a cage." How not to fall out of the cage and do not become a victim of circumstances?

Be balanced - watch out nerves. Nervous breakdowns and stressy- the main problems of the XXI century conflicts with the boss, running up the career ladder, the burden of responsibility and a desire to always have time to use the nervous system to the maximum. A feeling of fatigue, burnout, the desire to stop the passage of time? Take a moment for yourself! Close your eyes and sit in silence in the middle of the day. Gather your thoughts. After a short break, you will regain clarity of thought, and most of the everyday problems seem easily solvable.

Appreciate the time. Residents of cities it is never enough. On the way home every day takes several hours, endlessly sitting in traffic jams - aimlessly. When you get home, closer to the night, you want only one thing - to quickly go to sleep. To solve this problem, do some time management: Manage your time wisely. Try to do all the hard work in the morning, do not wait for tomorrow or next weekend and not shoulder the responsibilities of others.

Correct selection of cosmetics for the residents of the metropolis - a pledge of beauty for years to come. Ecology metropolis is not the best way affects the skin. It appears early wrinkles, deteriorating its condition and appearance. The day the pores become clogged with dirt, so buy a tool for deep cleansing. Lifeline will be cream to combat the signs of fatigue. Put it in the morning as a base for make-up and skin will get a fresh, rested appearance.

Tags: life, city, metropolis, a resident