How to protect yourself from tuberculosis

How to protect yourself from tuberculosis
 It is considered that tuberculosis - the inheritance of asocial elements, the homeless, the poor, the people who are serving time in prison. Unfortunately, this information is far from the truth, and often in a hospital bed or registered in the clinic are children, students and office workers.
 Tuberculosis - an infectious disease is widespread not only in Russia but also worldwide. It is caused by mycobacteria, most of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Koch's bacillus). Disease transmitted by droplet infection, affects the lungs and, more rarely, other organs and tissues.

After infection, which may arise as a result of contact with patients by bacteria can be a carrier for a long time and did not even know about the disease. It is believed that the infected can be attributed about a third of the world's population. But in only one case out of ten can manifest disease. The most common symptoms - fatigue, night sweats, persistent low-grade fever for several months (up to 37, 2 degrees), long a chronic cough, sometimes with hemoptysis, and significant weight loss.

There are two groups of measures aimed at prevention of tuberculosis: is prevention (vaccination) and constant screening (fluoroscopy) - to detect the disease at an early stage and the quality of its treatment.
Important in the diagnosis of tuberculosis are instrumental and laboratory examination methods. Fluoroscopy and chest X-ray will show whether there is inflammation in the lungs for a long time whether it, how much time to spread. There are characteristic X-ray signs that may one hundred percent probability confirm the diagnosis.

Is considered the second most important production Mantoux test. The same procedure takes place every child in our country - when the skin of the forearm of a special "gun" sprinkle a little tuberculin toxin and watch the reaction of the skin. Despite the large number of false positive results, this method is still relevant for screening (testing) of tuberculosis in children.

In Russia, the Institute developed TB prevention since the first days of life - in the first place, this grafting neonatal BCG vaccine (BCG). According to the "National Immunization Schedule" vaccinated for the first time in the hospital, in the absence of contraindications for 3-6 days after birth the baby. Repeated vaccination is carried out in 7 and 14 years after receiving a negative Mantoux test and the absence of contraindications.

For adults such event is mandatory annual fluorography. It is particularly important for people according to his service (doctors, teachers, supervisors) in contact with TB patients. It is important to remember that anyone can get sick, so it is necessary to conduct an annual x-ray examination, and not try to avoid it.

Thus, if all the above factors, the availability of vaccinations and annual chest X-ray, respecting the principles of a healthy lifestyle may protect against tuberculosis for many years.

Tags: child reaction, tuberculosis, prevention