How to properly care for the intimate area

How to properly care for the intimate area
 Gynecologists do not get tired of repeating: purity - the key to women's health. On the mucous membrane of intimate live beneficial microorganisms. They protect the sensitive area from infection. However, the wrong hygienic care reduces the number of cells in custody and opens the way to pathogenic bacteria.
 Purification of the intimate area should be regular. Conduct daily hygiene in the morning and evening. Optional visit to the bathroom required after sexual contact.

Be especially careful to clean the intimate area in the so-called "critical days". The fact is that during menstruation female reproductive system is particularly vulnerable to a variety of bacteria. In spotting actively proliferate fungi and microbes. It is therefore important time to change pads and tampons and as often as possible to wash the vagina clean water.

Carry out the procedure carefully. Too much pressure water jet can break a thin film that protects the intimate zone of the bacteria. Remember that in the process of washing hands should move from front to back. Only in this way you'll avoid penetration of infection from the anus to the vagina.

Use special tools for personal hygiene. Today, they offer many cosmetic companies. Most often in the gels and foams for delicate care include lactic acid and extracts of medicinal herbs: chamomile, aloe, calendula. The first component normalizes the microflora of the vagina and provides a steady growth of beneficial microorganisms. Vegetable components protect the mucosa against infections.

Refers to the selection of intimate funds very carefully. It is best to buy them at a drugstore or department stores. Before you make a purchase, please read the composition. It must not be an alkali soaps, fragrances, dyes and other additives allergenic. Do not forget to check the expiration date.

When you have finished cleaning procedures, pat the skin with a soft towel. It should not be applied to other parts of the body. In order not to injure the sensitive area, do not wipe it dry.

If you can not take a shower, use wet wipes for intimate care. They applied a special lotion, which is composed of lactic acid and moisturizing ingredients.

Doctors do not recommend replacing water hygiene douche. Its application must be medically necessary. If problems in the genital area of ​​a woman is not, douching can cause harm by drying mucosa.

Tags: place, woman, care, sitting, hygiene