How to keep your immune system

How to keep your immune system
 Body's ability to withstand a variety of pathogens and other alien bodies called immunity. He inherited, but starts from the moment of birth. Every year it is becoming stronger. However, regular virus attack and various adverse factors can cause a decrease in immunity. But that did not happen, it is necessary to take care of your health as it is.  
 The organism has several protective barriers in the way of pathogens. Lysozyme, killing a variety of bacteria found in tears, saliva, sputum, blood, white blood cells, cartilage, and breast milk. But careless attitude towards their health can reduce the production of this substance, and thus the resistance to infections. However, there are several ways to keep the immune system and even increase. But it is necessary to resort to them regularly.

Good food

 In the daily menu must include raw fruits and vegetables, at least 1, 5 liters of clean water, yogurt, sour milk and even better bifidumbakterin. If the diet is not able to provide the body's need for nutrients, it is worth taking dietary supplements and vitamins ready.

Get enough sleep and rest

Overwork causes depletion of the central nervous system, and a chronic lack of sleep reduces the production of the hormone melatonin. He is responsible not only for sleeping, but also for the modulation of the immune system. Increasing the activity of T lymphocytes, it constantly stimulates the body's defenses. However, that is really going on, it is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours a day. The most useful time for sleep is the time from 22 pm until morning.

Moderate sunbathing

Ultraviolet rays stimulate the immune system. And it happens by developing special substances - interleykotsitov and interferon. However, it is important not to hurt, because the sun can be good and bad alike. Take necessary tan gradually and only safe clock - before 11 am and after 5 pm.

Favorable temperature conditions

Reduced immunity may occur as with colds, and when overheating, so it's best to avoid things that contribute to temperature extremes. And that their impact was not as aggressive, should be strengthened vessels and the whole body quenching and sports.

Hardening of the body of water treatments and physical activity

Pouring cold water, swimming and douches develop resistance to low temperatures. Similarly, but less pronounced effect have air baths and walking barefoot on grass, sand, stone.

Cleansing the body

To preserve immunity should be regularly release the body of accumulated toxins. And this should enhance the secretory function of the skin, intestines and kidneys. An excellent way to do this is proper nutrition, exercise and steam bath (in the absence of contraindications).


There is a link between psychological attitude and the release of hormones that affect the immune system. Positive emotions are capable of increasing the body's defenses, while quite frequent stress can cause stress immunodeficiency.

Tags: immunity, strength, purification, sleep, hardening, decreased stimulation