Sexual health: risks and recommendations

Sexual health: risks and recommendations
 It often happens that today's young men and women consider themselves very experienced in sex, but do not know the basic rules of sexual hygiene. Meanwhile, this knowledge is necessary for everyone, especially for those who often change sexual partners.

The topic of sex is discussed daily on various thematic portals. And, unfortunately, questions of hygiene in sex are raised much less than the variety of poses and ways to achieve satisfaction. But sex hygiene - this is what should be on the machine, especially for those who consider themselves experienced in intimate relationships.

Hike into the shower before intimacy - a rule that is most neglected young men than young women. Saying "A man must be powerful, smelly and hairy" thing of the past, and the young people who lead an active lifestyle, wearing tight jeans and underwear is particularly important to monitor the cleanliness of the groin. Need to wash with mild soap or a means for personal hygiene 1-2 times a day.

Use a condom to protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases through. If you have doubts about the purity of the random partner after intercourse bathe genitals chlorhexidine or miramistinom the purpose of disinfection.

Use of water-based lubricant, if you feel that the slip is not sufficient. Sex "dry running" may damage the lining of the genital organs and tissues damaged areas are input for various infections.

Do not have sex during menstruation with non-regular partner. Half-open mouth of the uterus during menstruation increases the risk of infection. The source of the disease can also be neat enough partner.

Do not engage in oral sex, if you are sick of SARS, angina, have herpes on the lips, bad teeth. In addition to fun, you can "donate" partner infectious diseases.

Thrush, which is considered a purely women's diseases can be transmitted during sexual intercourse and partner, if a girl does not cure. Men also experience itching, redness of the glans penis, pain. A woman should be treated with a partner, and during exacerbations of thrush have to use a condom.

Anal sex is no longer considered to be something out of the ordinary and is practiced by many couples. It is important to remember that the intestinal mucosa settled a large number of intestinal bacteria, and sex without a condom is not desirable. Doctors strongly recommend also practice vaginal sex immediately after anal.

If you are confident in your partner and want to associate with them life, it is useful to both a medical examination by PCR for the disease, sexually transmitted infections. Many people are not even aware that they are carriers. Time taking care of sexual hygiene, you will ensure yourself a healthy sex for years, especially if your plans for the near future - to acquire offspring.

Tags: sex, recommendation, advice, danger, health, venereal diseases