Cleanses the body of toxins

Cleanses the body of toxins
 At a time when an improvement in the environment does not have to dream, you need to pay special attention to their health. Toxic wastes are available in abundance in water, air and even food, accumulate in the human body, becoming a direct or indirect cause of many diseases. The current generation of people is more weakness, lethargy, fatigue, presence of a whole bunch of chronic diseases. In many cases, the situation can be corrected by clearing the body of toxins.

Most toxins accumulate in the lymphatic system, kidney, liver and gastrointestinal tract. Cleansing the body of toxins can be carried out in various ways. This may be fasting and cleansing enemas, and medication. The latter refers to both traditional medicine and the folk.

By fasting is meant a complete rejection of food for a period of 1 to 3 days. More gentle option is fruit or kefir diet for 1-3 days. If you eliminate toxins through fasting and enemas, it is recommended to do so only under the supervision of a qualified physician, because such methods are pretty tough and stressful for the body and may cause side effects. In addition, in certain diseases such methods is strictly contraindicated.

The use of drugs-sorbents is more comfortable and gentle way to get rid of toxins. The principle of operation of sorbents is simple: they absorb toxins like a sponge, and out of the body, taking them with him. These sorbents are available in pharmacies and are biologically active additives. The most common are Nature Lax, Loklo, Chlorophyll Liquid (liquid chlorophyll).

The most common and affordable way to remove toxins from the body is a herbal medicine, ie herbal therapy. One such plant is Calendula. The use of infusion of marigold flowers enhances the formation and movement of lymph fluids in the body. It is through the lymphatic system displays a huge number of toxins. Prepare the infusion of calendula as follows: 2 teaspoons dried flowers pour 2 cups boiling water, all infused 20 minutes. Strained infusion is stored in a cool place. Take a decoction need 3 times a day before meals.

Oats - another product that is a natural sorbent. Cleansing of toxins is through the intestines. To prepare to pour a glass of boiled oats with water 1: 2. Water should be at room temperature. In 12-16 hours, this will turn into a jelly substance that you want to filter. Take a tincture need 2-3 times a day. The dose for adults - 0.5 cups, the dose for children - 1 tablespoon.

Infusion of young leaves mother and stepmother helps cleanse the kidneys. 2 tablespoons of leaves need a glass of boiling water. Leaves infused for about an hour, filter. Infusion take 1 tablespoon every 2 hours. The course of treatment - 2 weeks. As a precaution can be taken once in the morning and evening for three months.

If you use the infusion of black currant leaves, it will help to remove toxins from the liver, the walls of blood vessels, lymph nodes, myocardium. Preference should be given to young leaves. The crushed leaves in an amount of 30 g poured 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover the container needed bath towel and leave it to cool down. After this infusion of strain and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

Also in getting rid of toxins helps plants such as echinacea, dandelion, clover flowers, burdock root, leaves of bilberry. You can make the collection of several herbs, such as:

1. Horsetail, striped, strawberry leaves, clover, Agrimony, St. John's wort in equal shares.

2. Leaves currants, St. John's wort, immortelle flowers, birch leaves, grass clover in equal shares.

This infusion is prepared in a water bath at the rate of 1 tablespoon to 1 cup of collecting water. Infusion to drink several times throughout the day, in the course of 20 days.

Deciding to cleanse the body of toxins, do not need to be limited to taking drugs and herbs. It is useful to combine it with walks outdoors, outdoor recreation, massage, copious drinking, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Helping the body to cleanse itself of toxins now, you give him a chance later to resume the process of self-purification.

Tags: body cleansing, removal