10 things every woman should know about your body

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 Some ordinary things that we almost do not notice, can significantly affect the physical and psychological condition of the female body. It is important to consider not only positive but also negative aspects of many of these habitual actions. This will help to improve health and mood, as well as to minimize possible damage. So, every woman should know the following 10 things that happen to her body under the following circumstances.

1. Sitting on a rigid diet

Thanks to a strict diet, you can quickly and effectively get rid of extra pounds. However, the sudden change in diet the body begins to store incoming nutrients for future use. Therefore, after the transition to the normal power supply system lost weight very quickly returned.

2. Lack of sleep

In addition circles and swelling under the eyes Lack of sleep leads to poor psychological well-being - there is irritability, nervousness and suspiciousness. Lack of sleep for long periods of time can cause even more damage to women's health - cause pressure surges, heart problems and blood vessels, as well as depression. In addition, the performance suffers and increases appetite.

3. The use of fatty foods

A diet consisting mainly of fat and junk food, eventually leads to various digestive disorders. So many women suffer from gastritis, so do not deliberately cause damage to your stomach.

 4. Alcohol Abuse

Spirits women should completely avoid. Harm the female body does not cause only moderate consumption of low-alcohol drinks (beer and wine) in an amount not to exceed a pair of glasses per week.

5. Kisses and hugs

This kind of physical contact is a wonderful way to cope with the physical and psychological fatigue. This effect kisses and hugs due to the fact that they cause in the female body a certain hormonal response - reduce the level of cortisol (the stress hormone) and increase levels of oxytocin (a hormone tenderness and affection).

6. Large doses of caffeine

On the day of safe drinking no more than two small cups of coffee. Preferably at the same flavor invigorating drink milk or cream. More coffee causes high blood pressure, tachycardia, anxiety, irritability, and sleep problems.

7. Traveling

Regular jogging improve muscle tone contribute to the loss of extra pounds, as well as help to cope with stress and nervousness.

8. Stress

Sometimes the tension forces useful: it helps to concentrate, to show care and caution. But if the female body is constantly overtaxed, brings a state of stress. And stress is known to have a very negative impact on the physical and emotional well-being. In addition, due to stress women age faster.

9. Love

This condition can be described with just one word "euphoria." So vivid sensations during love women must surge of hormones. Take this state for a long time can not. After some time, love or ends or goes into love.

10. Menstruation

Physical and emotional state during menstruation subjectively for every woman. Someone it almost does not notice, but someone suffering from severe pulling pain in the abdomen, chest tightness, and irritability.

Tags: body, stress, health, diet, alcohol, woman, the fact abuse