From what products and in what quantity ingested, it depends on the function and quality of life. Eating unhealthy foods can cause many diseases and aggravate chronic processes.
By the harmful products include sweet - excessive consumption of sugar increases the possibility of heart problems, blood vessels, skin. Excess salt leads to disruption of the musculoskeletal system and kidneys.
Improper diet - it is not only food, but also the mode of its adoption, the size of portions, mixing products, etc. The abundance of fat and carbohydrate foods gradually leads to obesity, especially if there is no adequate physical activity. Late dinner leads to disruption of the digestive tract, and the absence of a hearty breakfast reduces efficiency. Improper diet affects the condition of hair, skin and teeth - a man loses appeal, acquiring additional problems and complexes about their appearance.
Bad habits - overindulgence of alcohol, smoking and substance use - significantly degrade the quality of human life and often lead to the appearance of serious, incurable diseases.
Exposure to alcohol is enhanced in combination with insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals. The result of such combinations may be irreversible damage to the brain. Drunkenness "lowers" the person on the bottom of the social ladder, depriving him of many opportunities to improve the lives and self-realization.
One of the main causes and proven cancer is smoking - and the risk of exposure to tobacco smoke extends to surrounding people smoker.
Drug addiction often leads to death addicted person as overcoming addiction - a long and often unsuccessful.