Pranayama allows you to gain health and inner peace, to cope with stress. Proper breathing stimulates circulation and helps eliminate toxins from the body. The practice of pranayama improves the condition of patients with asthma, chronic bronchitis.
The purpose of breathing exercises is to control the duration and quality of breaths, with their gradual deceleration. Exhale on duration must correspond breath, but rather if it is twice as long. Stomach during exercise should be relaxed.
To begin to learn to control abdominal breathing and chest. Then you need to go to the full breath, comprising both types.
Abdominal breathing should be practiced while sitting or lying on the floor, hands it should be put on the abdomen just below the navel. During the exercise completely relax so as to feel as smooth rise and fall of the stomach and the diaphragm moves as if breathing. When inhaling stomach rises during exhalation - is omitted. Make ten breaths and ten breaths.
Breathing also perform breast sitting or lying on the floor with his hands on the sides of the ribs. Belly need to draw so that when inhaling oxygen filled the upper part of the lungs. Inhale-feeding, do not allow it to penetrate deep into the lungs, it should remain at the level of the chest. Feel the chest rises and falls with the breath you exhale.
Also on the floor proceed to a full breath, exhale and release the body from the stale air. Inhale, slowly filling the lower, middle and upper part of the lungs. Slowly exhale, release the full light from the air. During inhalation, you should feel as alternately rising stomach, diaphragm and chest.