How to withdraw from the lungs nicotine

How to withdraw from the lungs nicotine
 After a person stops smoking, the nicotine from the lungs out for a long time, usually about 6-12 months. To speed up the recovery process of the lungs, need to contribute to get rid of accumulated toxins. But the most important thing is not to start smoking again after the first time it will be very hard.
 Propyl course expectorant drugs. Not bad helps "ACC" prolonged action. If you do not want to drink synthetic drugs, take a decoction of licorice or thyme. Treatment herbs should be about 1-2 months, and special preparations 7-10 days. If in the process of receiving expectorants appeared severe chest pain, consult your physician for a complete examination of the lungs.

Twice a week access to the sauna. Moist air softens the light and contributes to their purification. To achieve early results are added to the stove fir oil, pre-diluted with water. On other days, when you do not visit the sauna, steam inhalations. A good moisturizing effect has Boil the potatoes with the addition of water or soda.

Join a gym. During physical exercise lungs enriched air, which contributes to the return of the former volume. If you have a nearby forest or grove, make daily jogs in the morning. This will not only help get rid of nicotine mucus, but also improve your overall health.

During the recovery of the body after smoking consume a lot of dairy products. Also diversify the diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, meat and seafood. Take your vitamins and minerals from food because of their insufficient digested.

To finally get rid of toxins, prop course antioxidants. It can be as complex preparation, and just folic acid, vitamin E and C. It also helps and cat's claw. Brew a tablespoon of raw materials cup of boiling water, take 50 ml 4 times a day. Once released all the nicotine from the body, you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

Tags: body, Ambassador, nicotine, lung, smoking