In diseases of the nose and nasal washes for better use of sea water. To do this, buy from a pharmacy, dry sea salt and dissolve 1, 5-2 teaspoons in a glass of warm boiled water, filter the solution before use. Seawater quickly relieves swelling, and iodine contained in it, prevents the development of infection. If the hand was not sea salt, mix a solution similar in its properties to seawater. To do this, mix in a glass of water one teaspoon of table salt and baking soda, then add 1-2 drops of iodine. Such a solution can be alternated with a decoction of sage, eucalyptus, mother and stepmother. These agents not only remove dirt but also have anti-inflammatory action.
In order to wash the nose type in saline syringe or container with a spout. For this purpose, suitable teapot. Insert the tip of the syringe or the spout in the nostril, lean over the tub or sink and open your mouth, through it you'll be breathing. Then click on the syringe, you will feel the water falls into one nostril and out the other pours. If the solution flows through the mouth, tilt your head a little lower. Remember that the jet should not be too strong. Otherwise, water can get into the ear canal and cause ear infection - otitis.
Rinse one, then the other nostril. For each washing using 150-200 ml of liquid. Within a few minutes after the procedure, do not blow your nose, let the excess solution will come out on their own.
Irrigate the nose can be daily for 5-7 days. In chronic diseases of the nose and nasopharynx, as well as people working in dusty environments, this procedure can be carried out continuously. Better, of course, to consult on this matter with your doctor.