To strengthen the throat, carry out the procedure of the local hardening - gargle 2 times a day at first with water at room temperature, then the first jets of water from the tap, and then very cold water. Naturally, the transition from water to cool to room temperature should be gradual - temperature change every 4-5 days under the condition of good health.
Equally effective is considered to strengthen the throat gargle and contrast. To perform this test, prepare 2 cups of water. In one of them must be the cool water, and the other - the water hot but comfortable temperature for you. Gargle with alternately hot, then cool water, but be sure to finish hot.
You will be able to achieve the strengthening of the mucous membrane of the throat and salt rinses - to do this, add a glass of water at room temperature for 1 hour. Spoonful of table or, better yet, sea salt. To carry out such a procedure must be 2 times a day for a week.
Upon the occurrence of the season influenza and other viral diseases you can resist them, if you become an iodine gargle solution - to 1 cup of water to rinse, add 3 drops of iodine. If you are allergic to iodine, it can be replaced by an alcohol tincture of calendula - add 1 tsp. Of solution in a glass of water and for the prevention of start gargling 2-3 times a day.
For the same reason you can make special preparations to help resist viruses and bacteria - for example, Immunal or ehinatsin. Of course, taking them as taking other medicines, you must coordinate in advance with your doctor.