Morning should definitely do exercises to increase metabolism and warm the joints and muscles.
Water treatments are also needed. Daily shower after work and bath once a week helps to promote the health, cleansing the body of toxins and negative energy.
Breakfast should always be on the table as the main body gets energy from food. Lunch and dinner are also missing in the stands. Should eat healthy foods - fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, dairy products, semi-finished and avoid the "fast food" because it is "dead" food. Benefit from it will not, but the extra weight over time is inevitable. With proper nutrition not felt the need to lose weight and stay on a diet.
In the process, be sure to take short breaks every hour, especially in sedentary work. Take a few simple exercises, walk. People sedentary, often have problems with blood vessels and heart.
After work, have a good time in the gym, pool, ballroom, or just take a walk at least half an hour. Alternation of activity perfectly restores power.
If you want to be healthy, forget about all the bad habits: smoking, alcohol and drugs. They significantly shorten the life and undermine the health of not only yours, but also your loved ones.
Attention!: Do not engage in stressful discussion, provoke not for nothing. Avoid contact with people who are always dissatisfied with something and are constantly trying to take on your own problems. Know how to enjoy life, a positive attitude also helps to resist diseases and speeds recovery.
Try to relax in nature - in the woods, in the country, the river or the sea. This holiday is positive emotions and, as a result, the recovery of the nervous system and a lot of energy.
Treat yourself with love, take care of the face and body. Self-confidence creates a great mood, which is the best combined with good health. In the age of high-tech capabilities and look and feel the same way increased manifold.