How to oxygenate the

How to oxygenate the
 Lack of oxygen - a fairly common phenomenon, especially in big cities and industrial areas, where its level in the air is too low. It's pretty dangerous phenomenon, which is considered to be the first symptom of constant fatigue. No matter how much you do not sleep, you still do not feel rested. It should be noted also that the lack of oxygen degrade the performance of absolutely all organs of the human body, increases blood viscosity, a bad effect on the external condition of hair and skin.
 Oxygenate the system is possible, but you need to work at it constantly. The only part of the body that is able to absorb air, is the respiratory system, which is why it needs to be constantly trained. Useful in this case will be breathing exercises. To begin slowly exhale all the air from the lungs through the mouth. Now strongly and sharply inhale nose. Exhale sharply, trying to feel the reduced underlying muscles of the diaphragm. Now hold your breath for 10 seconds, thus plunging the stomach. Breathe by relaxing the muscles of the abdomen. Such breathing exercises to be performed as often as possible.

Exercise, lead an active lifestyle. If you can not go to the gym, do regular exercise at home. During the warmer months, try to perform all the exercises in the fresh air. The fact is that during breathing exercise is enhanced because the muscles need for supplemental oxygen. During the lessons on the street oxygen enters the body more intensively.

If you have the opportunity, then sign up for yoga classes - there you will learn proper breathing techniques and possession of his body.

Regularly makes a small jog. If this is not possible, try every day to walk through the woods or a park - where the air is saturated with oxygen.

Take care to the room where you spend a significant amount of time, well-ventilated. If you can not keep the windows open the room, get a small oxygen generator.

Today has become very popular reception of oxygen cocktails, water, and the use of oxygen cosmetics. These funds have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and skin condition, but they are unlikely to compensate for a deficiency of oxygen, since it can only enter the body through the lungs.

Tags: body, exercise, lack, gymnastics, oxygen