The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome has not yet been revealed. Doctors have expressed the opinion alleged that the disease is associated with the presence in the body of Epstein-Barr virus or pathogens of infectious mononucleosis. However, this version is still just a guess, as experts in the field of medicine is also of the opinion that the presence of viral infections - is a consequence of chronic fatigue syndrome due to lower immunity.
As a primary therapy used relaxing massage, multivitamin complexes, rational balanced diet, medication. CFS is often accompanied by depression. If the doctor has a diagnosis, you will have a mixed action antidepressants. In the absence of depression at night you will take sedatives, "New Pass", extracts of valerian, motherwort, peppermint, St. John's wort. For a morning reception will be assigned natural adaptogens: Ginseng tincture, Eleutherococcus, Aralia, radiograms pink, lemongrass. For insomnia, herbal medicines help if bad, the doctor will prescribe tranquilizers or neuroleptics.
Throughout the course of treatment, you must comply with all the doctor's advice, stick to the regime of the day, to abandon intensive work.
Even full recovery does not preclude the recurrence of the disease, so you have to regularly take care of your health, it is rational to alternate work with rest, good nutrition, avoid stress.