In favor of cold is the fact that children born in the winter, the cold periods of the year, are healthier than their peers who were born in the summer. Studies, involving 20,000 children from all over the world, showed that "winter" and the children are still larger. But rigorous Austrian scientists analyzed the census books and received strong evidence that the average life expectancy for those born between October and January 7 months greater than that of those who were born in April-June.
In freezing temperatures killed a large number of microbes and viruses, and fallen snow clears from the smallest particles of dirt and harmful impurities in the air cities. In frost protection and immune system of the person are activated, and the autonomic system comes to tone, starting with a vengeance to withstand stress and neurotic conditions.
However, on the other hand, at temperatures from -10 ° C or below, a person already threatening frostbite. Not even very low temperatures are dangerous in strong winds and high humidity.
The cold has a negative effect on those who walk in the cold without a hat - may appear dandruff, scalp irritation and hair can fall out. The cold may cause spasm of vessels of head, causing headaches and surges in blood pressure. If you do not protect your head, it is likely the development of inflammatory diseases - sinusitis and meningitis. However, protect from frost should be not only the head, but the rest of the body.
As you can see, the cold can also have a negative effect on the body, so stay on it and should be limited in cold weather to protect the body warm and comfortable clothing.