It is known that the younger generation are more at risk of eye diseases, as his habit of accumulation of knowledge through the ubiquitous electronics unlike the more traditional reading of books, typical of the older generation. And if we talk about the constant craving for watching television, it begins to appear today, even in very young children. And while there is no any specific questions about the reasons for the deviation from the norm of a very young age.
First of all, many hours of communion with the TV and computer, as well as all kinds of electronic devices such as smartphones, e-readers, netbooks, and other, for the eye is fraught with disruption of the tear ducts, so that the eyeball is no longer wetted properly and produced the so-called chronic dryness eyes. In addition, there may be deeper problems, and eventually only exacerbates the emergency and in the absence of a health care professional.
In addition, long eye contact with the monitor, even the latest generation has a number of adverse side effects to health associated with the inevitable flashing display is usually not perceived visually, but clearly catches the eye. And frequent headaches, fatigue, irritability may well be due to the use of screens a variety of models and types.
But the most alarming becomes this situation, given that precautions when working with monitors are widely known. Quite often we find warnings of potential problems, scientific research professional ophthalmologists, technical literature and other sources, the most detailed information prepodnosyaschie and popular way. And, at the same time, we are witnessing the spread of eye diseases, wearing a massive scale and, alas, "Youthful" every day. What is the cause of such a careless attitude, difficult to answer, but that danger, unfortunately, is not reduced.
That is why it would be superfluous to again and again to warn of potential problems so expensive gift of nature itself - view as well as the measures necessary for its protection, among which are regular visits ophthalmologist, competent and detailed diagnostics, compliance with time limits and range location at the screens, use of recreational gymnastics for the eyes, the periodic change of activity during the day, a walk in the fresh air, a balanced diet and, most importantly, responsible awareness of its mission to preserve the clarity and sharpness of view on many, many years.