Medical massage banks

Medical massage banks
 Medical massage banks (vacuum massage) - this is truly a unique method of skin exposure, which is based on the stimulation of skin receptors and the appearance of redness. During the massage adipose tissue is destroyed, which promotes the excretion of waste substances.

Medical massage banks (vacuum massage) - this is truly a unique method of skin exposure, which is based on the stimulation of skin receptors and the appearance of redness. During the massage adipose tissue is destroyed, which promotes the excretion of waste substances.

Currently, many people think that cupping massage is only for people who are overweight as well as women with cellulite, but this is a misconception. Indications for use canned massage, there are quite a few:
1. Colds (massage is done or at the beginning of the disease, to strengthen the general condition, or at the end, against the background of recovery as a method of rehabilitation).
2. Osteochondrosis (massage possible in remission).
3. torticollis, scoliosis, problems of the musculoskeletal system.
4. myositis, sciatica, neuritis, neuralgia.
5. Cellulite and obesity.

Before you undergo vacuum massage, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because this procedure has a number of contraindications, such as:
1. Malignant or benign.
2.Ostry period of the disease, fever.
3. Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis), skin lesions (acne, wounds).
4. The tendency to bleeding, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.
5. Pregnancy and the postpartum period.
6. Individual intolerance of the massage.

Prior to the massage should be warmed skin stroking and rubbing movement, as well as apply a special oil or cream.

Depending on the purpose of massage is applied static or kinetic method.

In static method uses at least 10 cans that put locally and throughout the body does not move. After the bank delivered, the patient is covered with a blanket for 10-15 minutes, then remove jars and wipe the skin with a soft cloth. The session ends with a soothing stroking movements.

If by banks formed a bruise, this place should be lubricated with ointment and troksevazinovoy a massage no longer apply.

In the kinetic method, the Bank "glide" on the body. Movements may be zigzag, straight, circular and spiral. During the massage bank move forward with pressure, and back without pressure. Duration of treatment 3-10 minutes to rack congestion.

If during the massage the patient has pain, you may want to add oil to reduce the velocity of the banks or reinstall it.

Of course, medical massage banks can be performed at home, but due to inexperience can injure the skin, so it is best to contact the salon and take a course of professional massage.

Tags: massage, care, body