Massage - enjoy the benefit of the body

Massage - enjoy the benefit of the body
 Massage can also be an effective treatment, and a pleasant and relaxing procedure and the way to find beauty and harmony. He is able to strengthen the immune system, increase resistance to stress and improve overall well-being. Effects of different massage techniques due to the nature of massage techniques, their strength and duration.
 Classic massage helps to relieve stress and fatigue, improves skin respiration, blood circulation, joint mobility, improves performance, relieves headaches and muscular pain. After a session of classical massage the person feels rested, and his body becomes easy. Priority area of ​​classical massage is considered a spin - or rather, the muscles along the spine. Massaging the back promotes total relaxation.

Drainage massage - one of the varieties of the classic. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the therapist does just flowing movements. Directed drainage massage to improve blood and lymph circulation. Apply it with injuries, varicose veins, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as in conjunction with other restorative procedures after surgery.

Acupressure was invented in the East, when the ancient doctors noticed that the impact on certain points of the body pressure or the needle may improve the human condition, speed up his recovery. These terms, and their 700 described, arranged on the medians - imaginary lines at which the energy flows circulating human body. Massage, in which specialist uses a needle is called acupuncture, and if it works only with your fingers - acupressure.

Anti-cellulite massage techniques are based on a complex effect on the skin and subcutaneous fat. He promotes the release of excess fluid, splitting of fat cells, improving skin tone and reduce the volume of the hips and waist. During the procedure in the massaged areas the temperature rises. Due to this the blood circulates faster, eliminates congestion in the internal organs.

Hydromassage jets of water is carried out under pressure. This procedure improves performance, has beneficial effects on the nervous system, activates blood circulation, tones muscles, helps to reduce weight and reduce the appearance of cellulite. To enhance the effect of hydro often made with the help of seawater or mineral water.

Tags: look good, body massage, massage, fun