In bath coniferous dive, form a coherent accept

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 Among the available tools for weight loss, which can be successfully used in the home, a place of honor is occupied by pine baths. Their useful properties are multifaceted, ranging from relaxation and recuperation to enhanced skin tone.

Pine baths, indications for use which are not limited only by the presence of excess weight, improve mood and enhances immunity. The composition of pine needle and its young shoots contain essential oils, resins, mineral salts, vitamin C and other nutrients. Penetrating into the bloodstream through the open pores of the skin, they contribute to the normalization of metabolism, the withdrawal of excess salt and harmful deposits. To enhance the effect of weight loss can be combined with pine extract sea salt.

The principle of operation is based on coniferous baths improve the condition of the skin, so that the contour silhouette becomes more fit. Do not rely on the fact that you can lose weight just by using baths. They are good as a comprehensive program to combat obesity, complementing exercise and dietary restrictions.

Pine bath for weight loss is easy to use and can be prepared from two types of raw materials, finished pine extract or decoction of pine needles, do yourself. An additional advantage of these baths is the fact that they can be used at any time of the year, as the pine extract is sold in almost any drugstore or beauty salon.

Pine extract is available in different forms: liquid, powder, tablets. One bath require about 100 ml of fluid, 1-2 tablets or 50 grams of powder. In the case where the original is taken shoots needles or pine, is required about 2 kg of dry feedstock. It poured a liter of water, bring to a boil, then infused quarter of an hour. Strained broth mixed with the bath water, the temperature of which does not exceed 37 degrees.

Take baths course in one day for two weeks. In order to stimulate weight loss bath, do not eat a half to two hours before the procedure and the same time period after its completion. Immersed in the bathtub and to the heart line therein are not longer than 30 minutes. To get out of the bath is necessary to lie, so it is best to take it at bedtime.

Tags: form, bath, reading, weight loss, prima