To carry out classic massage refer to a beauty salon. This procedure is carried out using oil or cream. The complex of 15 procedures helps to intensify production processes of collagen and elastin to maintain muscle tone and push for the long term more radical methods of rejuvenation.
Plastic massage is done without oil and cream, beauty face liberally sprinkles talcum powder. Impact on a person stronger. This procedure is indicated for aging skin that has lost tone and has a large number of facial wrinkles.
Plucking massage method Jacquet - this is the most powerful procedure. It is used for targeting problem areas: scars, wrinkles, pronounced wrinkles.
Any type of massage helps to speed up blood circulation, reduce the severity of the signs of skin aging. All this speaks for itself. Systematic massage significantly prolongs youthfulness of the skin. For a stable result it is necessary to massage 1 time per month.
From massage is best avoided if there is damage to the skin, a large number of moles or warts, systemic diseases, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, allergies. Before the procedure cosmetologist must take into account the condition of the skin, to determine what the most suitable massage client, choose the right tool for massage, make recommendations for daily skin care at home.