Cup massage at home

Cup massage at home
 Quite common and effective procedure in the fight against cellulite and osteochondrosis considered cupping massage, which has an effect on blood circulation, improving blood circulation, lymph and interstitial fluid, produces resolving and analgesic effects. Cup massage at home - it is available to all procedures.
 Cup massage is recognized as the world's most effective against cellulite. The reason is that the vacuum that occurs during the procedure, has a devastating effect on the body of the capsule. Massage using the cans will help even people suffering from sciatica, degenerative disc disease and the deposition of salts. Also favorable massage effect in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses, accompanied by cough.

At home, you can carry out massage using both conventional glass jars of small capacity, and special silicone and plastic cans that do not require heating. First you need to warm up the skin friction and kneading movements. If you want to thus get rid of cellulite, then it is recommended to put on the problem areas of the body scrub, massage and rinse. Then lubricate zone massage oil and go directly to the Cup massage.

During the first procedure is not necessary to install the jar so that the skin was drawn into it more than one and a half centimeters. Failure to comply with this recommendation, you can expect a nasty bruises. Once the bank is established, move it smoothly and continuously throughout the body. Equipment includes a spiral, zigzag and straight.

In osteochondrosis of the thoracic can massage is done at home as follows: move the jar sliding movements from the waist up to the cervical vertebrae. Pay attention paraverbal zones, which are three inches from the vertebral processes. Promote bank in a straight line up to the front of her wrinkling. Downward movement do without effort.

For colds massage is carried out from the back - from the bottom of the shoulder blades, and then from the xiphoid chest to the shoulders. Through this massage begins to move away phlegm, reduced body temperature, normal breathing. After the procedure the patient with a blanket wrap.

Can massage for cellulite is mainly in the areas of thigh and buttocks (you can make your own). During the procedure, there is a rupture of fat cells by mechanical means, and you should not feel uncomfortable. If you feel pain, loosen the grip of the banks, as the area affected by cellulite can not tolerate strong compression.

Duration of the procedure with the banks is about 5-10 minutes for each problem area. It is better to start with a minimum of time, gradually increasing the length of two minutes for each procedure. Anti-cellulite massage should be done with a break in two days. Alternating it with a hand massage with a brush, it gives a splendid results. Standard course is 10-12 procedures.

There are contraindications canned massage:

- The presence of nevi and a large number of moles;
- Relatively low pain thresholds;
- Acute infection;
- Internal and external tumors of different origin;
- A tendency to allergies and hypersensitivity of the skin;
- Skin inflammatory diseases;
- Tuberculosis;
- Poor blood clotting;
- Varicose veins in places massaging.

Tags: domestic, condition, cellulite, massage, bank