Cellulite vacuum massage at home

Cellulite vacuum massage at home
 Vacuum massage - a procedure that began to be applied in cosmetology recently, but it quickly gained popularity since brings excellent results. In addition, vacuum massage can do at home on their own, without spending huge amounts of money on trips to the beauty salons.

To make cellulite vacuum massage correctly, you need to understand the principle of its impact on the human body. With the vacuum which is produced under special silicone banks are stimulated and lymph circulation. Amplification of these processes leads to destruction of fatty deposits and cellulite.

To carry out vacuum massage at home, you need to buy at the pharmacy silicone banks. They can be of different sizes and are usually sold in pairs. Better to choose a medium-sized banks, so that they lay comfortably in the hand.

At the same time buy in a drugstore anti-cellulite oil - before the massage will need to be sure to put it on the skin. If desired you can not find oil, use regular vegetable. Its mission - to ensure easy glide over the skin banks. To massage without oil can not in any case. Firstly, the skin stretching may occur. Secondly, oil-bank will slide over the skin poorly.

Vacuum massage is best done in the bathroom that did not stain with oil and clean up immediately after the procedure.

This procedure is most effective for the destruction of cellulite on the buttocks and waist. Before the massage, be sure to treat these areas with oil. Wash your hands. Then take a silicone jar and squeeze it in your hand.

Attach it to the body. The upper layer of the skin should be drawn into the jars by 1-2 cm. This means that the bank has stuck properly, and to create the necessary vacuum. Now make circular movements, capturing all large areas of skin. So it is necessary to process all oiled area. The massage should be 15-20 minutes, otherwise the effect will be negligible.

After the massage, rinse the skin with oil. Be sure to wrap in a warm towel or bathrobe. After 30-40 minutes this must take place in a room with a temperature of not lower than 25 degrees. You can repeat the procedure every other day.

It should be a policy vacuum massage, which includes 15-20 procedures. If cellulite has not disappeared completely, be sure to repeat the course of a month. Thus it is desirable to adhere to a diet that excludes flour and fatty foods.

Tags: house size, cellulite, massage, bank