Aromatherapy to enhance sensuality

Aromatherapy to enhance sensuality
 Incense used by people always with the aim of flavoring premises or increase sensuality, sexual desire. About aphrodisiacs known by the ancient kings and pharaohs. Modern aromatherapy his appointment has not changed. People are also resorted to using odors to attract a mate and enhance libido.

Aphrodisiacs differ. They are primarily divided into male and female. Also, there are flavors that are suitable for both sexes.

Traditionally considered male ginger, cedar, cypress, sandalwood, thyme, cinnamon, nutmeg.
Women fit jasmine, rose, geranium, ylang-ylang, HEPA, bitter almonds.

Bergamot, patchouli, juniper, lavender, rosemary are equally good for both men and women.

In addition to the separation of male and female fragrances aphrodisiacs are divided into classical and Cubism. Classical impact on human physiology, and Impression on the psychological and emotional state.

The classic include geranium, verbena, jasmine, vetiver, carnation, ylang-ylang, myrtle, ginger, lemongrass, cypress, cinnamon, nutmeg, juniper, palmarosa, rosemary, patchouli, citronella, rose, rosemary, sandalwood. Aromatherapy with the use of fragrances helps to solve some of the physiological problems of a sexual nature, such as potency, frigidity, duration of sexual intercourse, etc.
IMPRESSION aphrodisiacs - is pine, orange, cedar, bergamot, frankincense, grapefruit, marjoram, myrrh, mandarin, rosewood, sage, thyme. These scents help thinner feel more feel and longer enjoy.

Aromatic oils are used in pure form, but most have no net effect odors of essential oils and compositions. The components of different oils react with each other and have an impact on our physiological state: increase the potency, the sensitivity of the body. In addition to the physiological effects observed and the impact on our emotional state: people emancipated, they quicken ripple increases intuition involves all the senses.

Being close to someone who use aphrodisiacs, you can not even understand and distinguish this smell among others, but you will be drawn to it just because your body has heard the call. People perceive the world through sight and smell. Human nose detects "smell" of sex pheromones discharged from the body of another person, and tells you whether the person you like. And built on this work most aphrodisiacs.

Some aromatic oils contain enzymes in its composition, which are similar to human sex hormones. There are aphrodisiacs, promoting the production of endorphins, which increase sexual desire.

In addition to the ability to increase the sensitivity of the human body, many essential oils have analgesic properties, soothe and regulate the nervous and endocrine system, detoxify, energize. All this also helps to improve the well-being of the whole person and gives him the opportunity to relax and feel the pleasure.

Choose fragrance for yourself very carefully, it should be in harmony with your inner world and the external perception. It is also necessary to take into account the mood, mood partner, season and even time of day. Your smell, whatever action he did not possess, should first of all like to partner. If you like the smell, but do not like the partner, replace it, good choice is very wide.

A wrong scent when interacting with your skin can at least cause headache and irritation of the partner. Chosen fragrance should be as yours, that any reminder of it brings back memories of you.

Tags: oil, increased potency, libido, partner, sensitivity, fragrance, attraction, gain, aromatherapy, aphrodisiac, sensual, aromatic oils