Massage the calf muscles

Massage the calf muscles
 Tired feet when barely dragging his feet - all ever experience these painful feelings. What do you do when hurt leg below the knee, the so-called calf muscles? Help to only massage the calf muscles. And do it yourself there is no difficulty.

Arriving home, first take a refreshing shower before the massage. Then you can do your calf muscle tension. It is best to do this massage sitting on a couch or bed.

Sit down, take both hands, first one foot, and warm her with gentle pumping movements, and then warm the other also. To massage the calf muscles brought you pleasure and relaxation, take a comfortable position and start stroking his feet with his hands up and down. All kinds of massage limbs begin with light strokes warming. At the same time you can feel the place where the pain was localized in the muscles. These problem areas must be properly promassirovat alternately by pressure pads thumbs first one calf, and then another.

Once you have carefully selected promassiruete painful areas, make kneading calf follows: pull the knee to the chin and, clasping both hands ankle, begin to squeeze and release the thumbs back of the legs, moving from the bottom up slowly and gradually.

Very effective for muscle relaxation and improved circulation acts reception "shaking muscles." Is very easy and simple - take the right hand on the left calf, gently grasping it between the thumb and the little finger, and begins to move it from side to side, preferably in a zigzag manner.

And remember, no bigotry, shaking should be easy and fun, but at the same time strong and palpable. Perform this type of massage you need until you feel the heat even in the muscle.

Once you have made yourself massage the calf muscles, be sure to soak for 15-20 minutes - the muscles need time to bounce back. It is desirable, if the room is cool and promassirovanye legs can cover blanket for the best effect.

Tags: muscle massage