Loose skin massage, exercise, masks for sagging skin

Loose skin massage, exercise, masks for sagging skin
 Loose skin found in almost every girl or woman. Someone is flabby stomach, someone - hip. Naturally, this can not be tolerated. For this problem, there are lots of solutions with which you will achieve the desired results.

Start with the sport. For example, go swimming. Subscribe to the pool available at a price, and you can go at any time. And do not forget about aerobics in the water. It helps to burn fat and build muscle mass.

It is also very good at helping Anti-cellulite massage, which can be done at home.
First we need to prepare the skin. Rub the skin area massage mitt, easy to redness. Just do not overdo it. Next, take a jar of silicone massage and massage her skin area, "enslaved" fat. However, remember that it is impossible for a massage under the knee and inner thigh.

Honey massage. Take natural honey. Apply it on your hands and follow the massage movements, pat. You get vacuum massage. Do not be alarmed when you see the white matter at hand. So, leave your body toxins. Massage the skin for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water all.

If you can - visit a massage therapist who can make you a professional and high quality massage. Not the fact that you will not feel sorry for yourself with a massage.

Against sagging skin good fights blue clay. Spread the clay in warm water. Add a few drops of essential oils: orange or grapefruit. Apply to the skin surface and wrap this area of ​​skin with cling film. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm clay water and apply to the skin Anti-cellulite cream.

Another clay mask. Mix clay, 2 tablespoons coffee, a few drops of an essential oil. Spread the clay in warm water. In it, add the remaining ingredients. Apply the mask on problem areas. Leave for 10 minutes. After time, the mask rinse with warm water. Apply Anti-cellulite cream.

And do not forget about proper nutrition. Then you will achieve success much faster.

Tags: skin, massage, mask, exercise, swimming, wrap