
 Hydro - underwater massage procedure, which is the impact of powerful jets of water on the human body. Distinguish between local and general hydro. Local - it massages aimed at a certain area of ​​your body, and has a total impact not only on a particular area, but also on the whole body in general. A distinctive feature of other types of hydro massage is a deep study of tissues and muscles because of the intense action of the jets of warm water.  
 Hydro - is the best means to calm the nerves, as it will help you relax, lets you forget about the stress, relieve tension and has a positive effect on the immune system. He will not only improve your health, but also lift your spirits. Hydro is very useful for women who have cellulite, after a course of the massage he retreats.

In addition, hydro - this is a good way to lose weight, improve skin tone, reduce reflex excitability, reduce the tendency to spasm and improve the overall condition of the body. This procedure can solve a huge range of health problems, and if you have a chronic disease, it is able to reduce their intensity.

Indications for hydromassage:
1. Swelling after injury.
2. Recovery from any plastic surgery.
3. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
4. The weakness of the muscles, loose skin.
5. Poor performance of the intestine.
6. Sleep disturbance and insomnia.

Not only. Before starting this procedure should consult with a specialist.

There are some contraindications. These are acute illness, such as fever, various skin infections, myocardial infarction and cancer diseases. Before starting this procedure should consult with a specialist, so as not to cause harm to your health.

Water massage can be appointed, from childhood to old age. He will give you courage, energy, beautiful and healthy skin, help to overcome chronic fatigue syndrome and forget about their problems. Very useful hydro and in the winter, it can strengthen the immune system and learn to cope better with seasonal ailments.

 Author: Andrei Yakovlev

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