How to straighten your shoulders

How to straighten your shoulders
 Stooped woman walking down the street, hardly will cause the opposite sex anything but pity and surprise. Men pay attention to posture, shape and head up into the first place, and therefore, ladies, if you have a habit crook as a question mark, an urgent need to learn to straighten your shoulders and do your back straight. How? Now a look.
 Straight back and straightened his shoulders - it's not just beautiful. It is in this position, the spine is subjected to lower load, and internal organs take the correct position. Lungs, heart, diaphragm, and even stomach and liver with a straight back function much better. So go right - it's not just a whim of our grandmothers and the prerogative of the dancers. If your shoulders are straight, and you look better and feel younger and more natural.

But what about those who are used to slouch and still dreaming about the beautiful straight posture and graceful gait with head held high? Do not worry! If you wish to change everything you have already appeared, everything else will be very soon. It is important not to be lazy and try to give every day at least 15 minutes of exercise to strengthen the back muscles and straighten your posture. Believe me, 15 minutes - it's quite a bit, but this might be enough to make a daily contribution to your future perfect figure. Try it!

Very often the problem stoop and curvature of the spine occurs in school and adolescence, when bones are still soft, continue to grow and can not withstand the increasing pressures. It was then necessary to begin to engage in the strengthening of the muscular system and take care of the posture. Indeed, until the bones are not completely hardened, the situation can still be corrected. There needs constant physiotherapy, aimed at strengthening the right muscle groups and the removal of the nerve terminals in the field curvature. Parallel to this, you need to follow the correct posture. After all, keeping your back straight and straighten your shoulders need strong muscles trained.

If you are still only very much want to change your posture and make it more straight and graceful, but willpower and time constants can not find the exercises, use special corrective corsets and belts. Today, there is a lot of variety of products for the correction of the position of the back and shoulders, which are completely invisible under clothes and do not cause any discomfort during use. Correctors support your back, not giving stoop or bend, and produce very useful habit to sit and stand up straight. Of course, to wear such devices can not be because they deprive your muscles ability to hold the weight of the bones themselves. But now as a temporary measure to produce useful habits they may well be used.

Do not forget about regular training. Great exercise for smoothing shoulder is familiar to all from childhood "swallow". Also, the house can make a very simple exercise - to keep both hands a long stick in the manner of the rocker. After sitting or standing for a while with the "yoke" in hand, you develop the necessary posture and do your back straight and flat, like a ballerina on speech. Do not be lazy to spend time employment and your back will answer you on this gratitude.

Tags: posture, straight