Ayurvedic facial massage

Ayurvedic facial massage
 Ayurveda - a traditional Indian system of healing the body and mind of a man who is exposed during the life of endless stress. Polluted air, natural food is replaced by fast food - lost the balance between body and soul. Ayurvedic massage helps the body get rid of toxins, and returns the joy of life.
 Ayurvedic massage is based on the profound work of the soft tissues: skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and internal organs. Thus there is a strong stimulation of the blood and lymph circulation, increase energy flow and rids the body of toxins.

During the massage uses special Ayurvedic herbal oil, which further improve metabolism. Ancient massage technique slowly and gradually releases the body from stress. We can say that ayurvedic massage - not just stroking the face or body, this body therapy.

Ayurvedic massage is especially useful for women, moreover, the practice of Ayurveda urges them on day 3 after the critical days of placing classic Abhyanga massage with sesame oil for a quick recuperation and rejuvenation of the face and body.

If you do Ayurvedic facial massage on a regular basis, the results are not long in coming. Just a few months you will see how to transform the skin: increased flexibility, improved color and reduce wrinkles. Surprisingly, only a few sessions (3 to 5) give a clear and lasting effect that lasts up to 4 months.

Ayurvedic practices offer a unique procedure called 'Shirodhara ritual "- masseur specialist Ayurveda for 20 minutes in a thin stream pours you on the forehead in the third eye warm oil. This procedure relieves stress mimic muscles and plunges into a state of serene peace by acting on the brain centers responsible for the production of endorphins. As a result, you will gain a new face, free from stress.

Ayurvedic facial massage is performed in the supine position, the therapist leans over the patient. Independently of such a massage is more convenient to carry out, sitting in front of a mirror. First apply the oil on your palm, rub it and warm hands. Now, stroking face with fingertips from the middle of the nose cheeks ears. Stroking movements walk on the chin and nasolabial triangle. Now fingertips, rub in a circular motion chin, moving at the same time to the ears.

Then move on to the forehead - rub his nose and moving to the top of the ears. It remains only to work on the neck. Gentle pumping movements rub the front and back of the neck. Each massage techniques should last at least 1-2 minutes. Facial massage is conveniently combined with head massage, which activates and opens the upper chakra. After the massage, you need to wipe the excess oil from the face and relax a bit.

Tags: face massage