Your home spa resort!

Your home spa resort!
 Salutary effect of water on the human body has long been studied and does not require proof. The first hydro unit appeared in the 40s of the last century and were used for the rehabilitation of patients at home. The therapeutic effect of this treatment was so good that the production of whirlpool baths and whirlpool spas was put on stream. Now everyone can become the owner of your own luxury spa at home.
 The convenience, ergonomics and the possibility to choose the optimal size of the square home mini spa pools are gaining in popularity. Crystal clear water, comfortable seats and a quality massage, available 24 hours a day all year round. Foam, water with bubbles easily relieve stress after a hard day's work, give peace and relaxing dip in the bliss.

In the technology used spa pool multifaceted effects of water and heat on the human body: the dynamic (massage under the direction of the jet of water) and static (immersion in water and warming the whole body). When immersed in water, the body becomes like a weightless (lost about 90% by weight), there is a feeling of lightness and updates every cell of the body. Flowing streams of water directed through special nozzles, get rid of pain in the muscles, will make you forget about insomnia and depression, relieve fatigue and tension, improve blood circulation. In addition, whirlpool spa pools - a great way of preventing colds and the ability to keep the body in good shape.

In the crazy rhythm of modern life is difficult to find time to visit the pool and spa complexes. But at the same time good physical shape is one of the indicators of success and high social status. Whirlpool spa pools - an indispensable tool for people who care about their health and appearance. 10-15 minutes spent in hot water, provide a surge of strength and energy, and are comparable with sensations of light physical activity.

Nutrition and hydration of the skin, the adsorption of toxins, rejuvenate the body, normalize blood pressure, improve metabolism, weight loss - the natural result of regular use of the whirlpool. In diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, use of hot tub spa pool prescribed for the prevention and relief of attacks. The additional effect of hydro-massage spa - the development of "pleasure hormones" (endorphins) - will provide positive emotions and good mood for a long time.

For some, whirlpool spa place for a secluded relaxation, rest and reflection, for others - a reflection of the aristocratic style and evidence of a healthy lifestyle for the third - a cozy and romantic place family-friendly, for the fourth - the original decoration for a fun party. There are many types of spas, and everyone can choose the most suitable option. Individual, family, a big company - it all depends on your goals and individual preferences.

When choosing your "home spa", focusing on the quality of the product. The saloon-magaine Konreyz (Moscow, Prospekt Mira 119, Building 519 (VVC), (495) 641-2251), you can buy the original spa pools from Sundance Spas (United States) at the best price. The magical effect of water in combination with innovative technologies - a whirlpool spa pools Sundance Spas. Here you have the opportunity to take a "test drive" and make sure to perfection and the highest quality and purchase.

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