Wraps: features, types and procedures

Wraps: features, types and procedures
 Wrap - excellent means of struggle for a beautiful healthy body. It creates an effect which resulted in a well-tightened skin, removes toxins, improves appearance. The main advantage of these procedures is that they can do yourself at home.

Pets wraps - a very effective way to deal with cellulite and stretch the skin, swelling and stretching. Together with diet and exercises, they are able to return the figure harmony.

These procedures are divided into two types. The so-called hot and cold wraps. The principle of hot wraps - creating a thermal effect. In this case, the blood rises to the upper layers of the skin, on the way breaking down fat, removes toxins and toxins. They then go through the large pores in the form of sweat. Held hot wrap in the following way: the waist and buttocks smeared with a special compound and are wrapped with plastic wrap. Very effective with red hot peppers - they increase blood flow to the skin surface. This form must spend forty minutes and two hours. If you hide a blanket - the effect will be even better. Do not need hot wraps more than two or three times a week. If ill effects should immediately stop procedure. Have this type of body wraps and contraindications. They are not in any way can not be used during menstruation, within six months after birth, diseases of the pelvic organs, peptic ulcer. The fact that the thermal effect produced under the film, can cause internal bleeding, which would entail very serious consequences. 

Cold wrap has far fewer contraindications than hot. But the effect of its application smaller. When the composition is used wrapping cold room temperature, wrapped in film is not necessary. The principle of wrapping next. Menthol and mint, contained in its composition, have a cooling effect. The pores close, the outflow of blood and lymph, which carry off the toxins accumulated in the skin. Then harmful substances derived through internal cleansing organs (liver and kidneys). As a result, cold wraps improves skin tone, tissue derived from excess fluid, normal metabolism. They had a great relieve swelling, fight against stretch marks and heavy legs syndrome, are used for the prevention of cellulite.

Means for wrapping a better buy in the store. Cosmetic industry produces a huge number of masks, gels, creams used in these procedures. They do most often on the basis of white clay. The cost of these preparators quite low and efficiency high. After trying several types of wraps, you can choose the most suitable for yourself, or several alternate.

Tags: house, cold, view, hot, procedures, particularly wrapping